Faculty Profiles

Faculty Profiles

Ning Zheng

Title: Professor



E-mail: ningzheng@bit.edu.cn



Professional experience

Research Interests


1. Topologically Protected Transport of Cargo in a Chiral Active Fluid Aided by Odd-Viscosity-Enhanced Depletion Interactions, Qing Yang#, Hongwei Zhu#, Peng Liu, Rui Liu, Qingfan Shi, Ke Chen, Ning Zheng*, Fangfu Ye*, Mingcheng Yang*, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 198001 (2021).

2. Clogging of granular materials in a horizontal hopper, Quan-Chun Yu, Ning Zheng*, and Qing-Fan Shi*, Phys. Rev. E 103, 052902 (2021).

3. Integration of size separation and transport of granular particles by a posts array on a conveyor belt, Li-Xuan Wu, Hong-Wei Zhu, Ning Zheng*, Qing-Fan Shi*, Powder Technology 391, 157 (2021).

4. Oscillating collective motion of active rotors in confinement, Peng Liu, Hongwei Zhu, Ying Zeng, Guangle Du, Luhui Ning, Dunyou Wang, Ke Chen, Ying Lu, Ning Zheng*, Fangfu Ye*, Mingcheng Yang*, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 117, 22, 11901-11907 (2020).

5. The Kullback–Leibler Divergence evolution of randomized electromagnetic field, Tian Shi, Yunzhou Li, Qingfan Shi, Liangsheng Li*, Ning Zheng*, Optics Communications 478,126411 (2020).

6. Frictional effect of bottom wall on granular flow through an aperture on a conveyor belt, Hong-Wei Zhu, Qing-Fan Shi*, Liang-Sheng Li, Mingcheng Yang, Aiguo Xu, Ning Zheng*, Powder Technology 367, 421 (2020).

7. 物理因素对颗粒流的影响, 郑宁, 朱红伟, 黄德财, 史庆藩, 中国科学: 物理学力学天文学 50, 123456 (2020).

8. Improvement in flow rate through an aperture on a conveyor belt: effects of bottom wall and packing configurations,Hong-Wei Zhu, Li-Peng Wang, Qing-Fan Shi, Liang-Sheng Li, Ning Zheng, Powder Technology 345, 676 (2019).

9. Inter-orifice distance dependence of flow rate in a quasi-two-dimensional hopper with dual outlets, C. Xu, F-L. Wang, L-P. Wang, X-S. Qi, Q-F. Shi*, L-S. Li, N. Zheng*, Powder Technol., 328, 7–12 (2018).

10. Self-propulsion of a grain-filled dimer in a vertically vibrated channel, C. Xu, N. Zheng*, L-P. Wang, L-S. Li, Q-F. Shi & Z-Y. Lu*, Sci. Rept. 7, 14193: 1-11 (2017).

11. Spontaneous symmetry breaking induced unidirectional rotation of a chain-grafted colloidal particle in the active bath, H-S. Li, C. Wang, W-D Tian*, Y-Q Ma, C. Xu, N. Zheng* and K. Chen*, Soft Matter (Cover article) 13, 8031-8038 (2017).

12. Bouncing behavior and dissipative characterization of a chain-filled granular damper, Cheng Xu, Ning Zheng*, Liang-sheng Li, Qing-fan Shi, Powder Tech. 297 367 (2016).

13. Confinement-induced horizontal segregation in a vertically shaken granular bed, Xuejiao Yang, Ning Zheng*, Pingping Wen, Liangsheng Li, Qingfan Shi, Powder Tech. 286 629 (2015).

14. Flux of granular particles through a shaken sieve plate, Pingping Wen, Ning Zheng*, Junwei Nian, Liangsheng Li and Qingfan Shi, Sci. Rep. 5 09880 (2015).

15. Bottom Stresses of Static Packing of Granular Chains, PingPing Wen, Guan Wang, Degan Hao, Ning Zheng*, Liangsheng Li, Qingfan Shi, Physica A, 419, 457 (2015)

16. Symmetrically periodic segregation in a vertically vibrated binary granular bed, Pingping Wen, Ning Zheng*, Liangsheng Li, and Qingfan Shi, Sci. Rep. 4 6914 (2014)

17. Scaling probability distribution of granular chains in two dimensions, Guan Wang, Ning Zheng*, Pingping Wen, Liangsheng Li, Qingfan Shi, Physica A, 407, 192 (2014)

18. Segregation in mixtures of granular chains and spherical grains under vertical vibration, X. X. Yuan, N. Zheng*, Q. f. Shi, G. Sun, L. S. Li, Phys. Rev. E, 87, 042203 (2013)

19. Polymerlike statistical characterization of two-dimensional granular chains Ping-Ping Wen, Ning Zheng, Liang-Sheng Li, Heng Li, Gang Sun, and Qing-Fan Shi, Phys. Rev. E 85, 031301 (2012)

20. Heaping instabilities in a layered Bi-disperse granular bed, Ning Zheng, Ping-Ping Wen, Qing-Fan Shi, Pik-Yin Lai and C. K. Chan*, EPL, 100 44002(2012)

21. Percolation current in a periodic segregation of a binary granular mixture, Shanshan Du, Qingfan Shi, Gang Sun, Liangsheng Li, and Ning Zheng*, Phys. Rev. E 84, 041307 (2011)
