Faculty Profiles

Faculty Profiles

Xianpeng Zhang

Title: National high-level young talents

Tel: 86+18566015076

Department: Condensed matter physics

E-mail: zhangxianpeng91@gmail.com and 6120240114@bit.edu.cn

Address: 315B room, Science Building B,  Liang Xiang Campus of Beijing Institute of Technology, Fangshan District, Beijing, 102488, China


2017.07-2020.12 Ph.D. in Donostia International Physical Center (Spain), Majoring in materials physics;
2014.09-2016.06 M.Sc. in National Tsing Hua University (China Taiwan), Majoring in applied physics;
2009.09-2013.06 B.Sc. in Fuzhou University China, Majoring in applied physics;

Professional experience

since 2024.11 Tenure track associate professor at the Beijing Institute of Technology;
2023.07-2024.10 Postdoc at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (China Hong Kong);
2020.12-2023.03 Postdoc at the University of Basel (Switzerland)。

Research Interests

I am mainly engaged in the research of spin electronics and superconducting electronics, my research involves condensed matter physics and quantum information technology, and the analytical tools inclue i) open system theory, dealing with electron-photon coupling, electron-phonon coupling, electron-magnon coupling, electron-local magnetic moment coupling, etc.; ii) Keldysh Green's function, dealing with the transport of composite superconducting materials, such as iron-based superconductors, semiconductor-ferromagnet-superconducting heterostructures. Specific topics includes:
1 Spin electronics
i) Microscopic theory of magnetoresistance effect, such as spin Hall magnetoresistance effect in heavy metal-ferromagnetic insulator heterostructures, anisotropic magnetoresistance effect and magnon magnetoresistance effect in ferromagnets, antiferromagnets and altermagnets, etc.;
ii) Charge, spin and valley transport in two-dimensional materials. For example, anomalous Hall effect, spin Hall effect, anomalous spin Hall effect, valley Hall effect, orbital Hall effect, etc.
2 Superconducting electronics
i) External field control and electrical readout of superconducting qubits, such as non-destructive readout of Andreev levels and spin qubits in superconducting-ferromagnetic heterostructures:
ii) Charge and spin transport in superconducting composite materials. For example, superconducting diodes, superconducting spin diodes, etc.



[1] X.-P. Zhang,“Fabry-Perot superconducting diode.” Phys. Rev. B 109, 184513 (2024);

[2] X.-P. Zhang, Y. Yao*, K. Y. Wang*, and P. Yan*, “Microscopic theory of spin-orbit torque and spin-memory loss from interfacial spin-orbit coupling.” Phys. Rev. B 108, 125309 (2023) ;

[3] M. Spethmann+, X.-P. Zhang+, J. Klinovaja and D. Loss, “Coupled superconducting spin qubits with spin-orbit interaction.” Phys. Rev. B 106, 115411 (2022);

[4] Y. Cao+, X. M. Zhang+, X.-P. Zhang+, ... , and K. Y. Wang*, “Room-Temperature van der Waals Perpendicular Ferromagnet Through Interlayer Magnetic Coupling.” Phys. Rev. Appl. 17, L051001 (2022);

[5] Koichi Oyanag, J. M. Gomez-Perez, X.-P. Zhang, ... , and Eiji Saitoh*. “Paramagnetic spin Hall magnetoresistance.” Phys. Rev. B, 104, 134428 (2021); [6] J. M. Gomez-Perez, X.-P. Zhang, ... , and Felix Casanova*. “Strong interfacial exchange field in a heavy metal/ferromagnetic insulator system determined by spin Hall magnetoresistance.” Nano Lett., 20(9), 6815 (2020);

[7] X.-P. Zhang*, V. N. Golovach, F. Giazotto and F. S. Bergeret, “Phase-controllable nonlocal spin polarization in proximitized nanowires.” Phys. Rev. B: Rap. Comm., 101, 180502 (2020);

[8] X.-P. Zhang, F. S. Bergeret and V. N. Golovach*. “Theory of spin Hall magnetoresistance from a microscopic perspective.” Nano Lett., 19(9), 6330 (2019).

see more publication in the following link:



I have 2 master and 1 PhD positions. Students who are interested in the fields of spin and superconducting electronics are welcome to contact me.