


职称: 博导


学系: 理论物理系

E-mail: dizhou@bit.edu.cn

通讯地址: 北京市海淀区中关村南大街5号,北京理工大学物理学院


2006.09-2010.07 北京大学物理学院,物理学学士学位,数学双学位;
2010.08-2016.06 美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校,物理学博士学位,导师:Anthony J. Leggett教授


2016.08-2019.09 美国密歇根安娜堡分校,博士后,合作导师:Xiaoming Mao教授
2019.09-2020.10 美国佐治亚理工大学,博士后,合作导师:D. Zeb Rocklin教授





1. Z. Tang#, F. Ma#, F. Li*, Y. Yao , and D. Zhou*, “Fully Polarized Topological Isostatic Metamaterials in Three Dimensions”, Physical Review Letters 133, 106101 (2024)

2. D. Zhou*, D. Z. Rocklin, M. Leamy, and Yugui Yao*, “Topological invariant and anomalous edge modes of strongly nonlinear systems”, Nature Communications 13, 3379 (2022)

3. D. Zhou, L. Zhang and X. Mao*, “Topological boundary floppy modes in quasicrystals”, Physical Review X, 9, 021054 (2019)

4. D. Zhou, L. Zhang and X. Mao*, “Topological edge floppy modes in disordered fiber networks”, Physical Review Letters 120, 068003 (2018)

5. F. Ma#, Z. Tang#, X. Shi, Y. Wu, J. Yang, D. Zhou*, Y. Yao, and F. Li*, “Nonlinear Topological Mechanics in Elliptically Geared Isostatic Metamaterials”, Physical Review Letters 131, 046101 (2023)

6. D. Zhou #*, “Topological boundary modes in nonlinear dynamics with chiral symmetry”, New Journal of Physics, 26 073009 (2024)

7. J. Tang#, F. Ma#, F. Li*, H. Guo*, and D. Zhou*, “Strongly nonlinear topological phases of cascaded topoelectrical circuits”, Frontiers of Physics, 18, 3, 33311, (2023), Cover article.

8. D. Zhou*, J. Ma, K. Sun, S. Gonella, and X. Mao, “Switchable phonon diodes using nonlinear topological Maxwell lattices”, Physical Review B, 101, 104106 (2020)

9. D. Zhou*, “Universal ratio of TTLS-phonon coupling constants in low-temperature amorphous solids”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 32,055704 (2019)

10. D. Zhou* and J. Zhang, “Non-Hermitian topological metamaterials with odd elasticity”, Physical Review Research, 2, 023173 (2020)
