职称: 准聘教授、博士生导师
学系: 计算物理系
E-mail: jjzhou at bit dot edu dot cn
通讯地址: 北京理工大学良乡南校区理学楼A213
2009 - 2015,中国科学院物理研究所,博士 2005 - 2009,武汉大学计算机学院,学士
2021.01-至今,北京理工大学物理学院,准聘教授,“特立青年学者”,入选国家级高层次青年人才项目。 2015 - 2020.12,美国加州理工学院[Caltech],应用物理与材料科学系,博士后
主要从事材料中电子超快动力学和电子输运过程的理论计算研究,以及开发相关的第一性原理计算方法和高性能计算软件。主要研究兴趣包括以下三个方面: (1)电荷、自旋、和声子的输运性质和机理。 (2)材料中电子和激发态的超快动力学过程。 (3)前沿的第一性原理计算方法和软件开发。
至今在Physical Review Letters, Nano Letters等国际重要学术期刊发表论文二十余篇,论文累计引用1400余次。获邀在美国物理学年会(APS March Meeting)作邀请报告。自主研发了一套电声耦合,电子输运和超快动力学的高性能并行计算软件包Perturbo,被全球数百个研究组采用。
(1)J.-J. Zhou#, J. Park#, I. Timrov, A. Floris, M. Cococcioni, N. Marzari, M. Bernardi*, Ab Initio Electron-Phonon Interactions in Correlated Electron Systems. Physical Review Letters; 127,126404 (2021)
(2)J.-J. Zhou*, J. Park, I.-T. Lu, I. Maliyov, X. Tong, M. Bernardi*, Perturbo: a software package for ab initio electron-phonon interactions, charge transport and ultrafast dynamics, Computer Physics Communications. 107970 (2021).
(3)V.Jhalani#, J.-J.Zhou#, J.Park, C.Dreyer, and M. Bernardi*,Piezoelectric Electron-Phonon Interaction from Ab Initio Dynamical Quadrupoles: Impact on Charge Transport in Wurtzite GaN, Physical Review Letters, 125, 136602 (2020)
(4)J.-J. Zhou, and M. Bernardi*, Predicting charge transport in the presence of polarons: The beyond-quasiparticle regime in SrTiO3. Physical Review Research, 1, 033138 (2019).
(5)J.-J. Zhou, O. Hellman, and M. Bernardi*, Electron-Phonon Scattering in the Presence of Soft Modes and Electron Mobility in SrTiO3 Perovskite from First Principles, Physical Review Letters; 121, 226603 (2018)
(6)V. Jhalani#, J.-J. Zhou#, and M. Bernardi*, Ultrafast hot carrier dynamics in GaN and its impact on the efficiency droop, Nano Letters, 17, 5012-5019 (2017)
(7)J.-J. Zhou, and M. Bernardi*, Ab initio Electron Mobility and Polar Phonon Scattering in GaAs, Physical Review B Rapid communication, 94, 201201 (2016)
(8)J.-J. Zhou, W. Feng, G.-B. Liu, and Y.G. Yao*, Topological edge states in single- and multi-layer Bi4Br4, New Journal of Physics, 17, 015004 (2015).
(9)J.-J. Zhou, W. Feng, C.-C. Liu, S. Guan, and Y. G. Yao*, Large-Gap Quantum Spin Hall Insulator in Single Layer Bismuth Monobromide Bi4Br4, Nano Letters; 14, 4767–4771 (2014)