职称: 国家级高层次青年人才
学系: 理论物理系
E-mail: sichunssun@bit.edu.cn
2008-07至2014-08, 美国华盛顿大学(University of Washington,Seattle),博士 2004-09至2008-07, 北京大学物理学院,本科
2022-11至今,北京理工大学,准聘教授 2021-06 至2022-10, 北京理工大学,副教授 2018-11至2021-02, 意大利罗马第一大学&意大利国家核物理研究所罗马分所(Sapienza University of Rome & INFN,Rome),博士后 2016-09至2018-08, 台湾大学,博士后 2014-09至2016-08, 香港科技大学,博士后 2013-01至2013-07, 美国加州大学圣芭芭拉分校(University of California, Santa Barbara),访问研究员
主要从事基础物理领域的高能理论的研究。研究方向具体为粒子物理唯象学,弦理论的唯象学,宇宙学,以及一些量子场论和有效场论的运用。目前主要关注的问题是利用引力波,宇宙中的一些现象和信号寻找超出标准模型的新物理,以及运用一些低能量子系统探测暗物质,对于加速器上新物理的寻找也保持一定关注。 参考本人为中科院理论物理所公众号撰写的暗物质科普文章: https://www.sohu.com/a/224274447_224832 为中科院高能物理研究所杂志 《现代物理知识》撰写的科普文章: 用艺术标准评价超出标准模型新物理,量子引力答案是什么?丨解读21世纪终极理论之梦 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzU0NjQyNTY4Mw==&mid=2247504777&idx=2&sn=363e84bbfdc84c262d8117a426cf2ea3&chksm=
在美国期间曾获得加州⼤学科维理理论物理研究所(KITP)的访问研究基⾦(Graduate Fellow)。 在Living Reviews in Relativity(IF: 40.43 (2020)),Phys. Rev. Lett(PRL), Phys. Rev. D, Journal of high energy physics, Phys. Lett. B 等国际知名期刊上发表论⽂20余篇, 并参与CEPC加速器概念设计报告3篇。2篇⽂章在PRL杂志上被选为编辑推荐,1篇⽂章被美国物理学会(APS)作为物理亮点重点报道 “Featured in Physics” . ⾼能物理InspireHEP数据库总引⽤1000余次,并参与撰写领域综述⽂章。依照⾼能理论物理⼩领域署名惯例,申请⼈⼤部分合作⽂章署名均按照作者姓⽒拼⾳排序。⼤部分⽂章中作者数量仅为2-5⼈,并没有区分第⼀作者,可以认为共同⼀作。投稿时所有作者邮箱均有提供,通讯作者仅为当时送审⼈或为杂志社默认。
[12] Fei Gao, Sichun Sun, Graham White “A first-order deconfinement phase transition in the early universe and gravitational waves” arXiv: 2405.00490 [hep-ph]
[11]Chu-Tian Gao, Yu Gao, Yiming Liu Sichun Sun“Novel high-frequency gravitational waves detection with split cavity ”Phys.Rev.D 109 (2024) 8, 084004 • e-Print: 2305.00877 [gr-qc]
[10] Junxi Duan, Yu Gao, Chang-Yin Ji, Sichun Sun, Yugui Yao, Yun-Long Zhang, “Resonant Electric Probe to Axionic Dark Matter”arXiv: 2206.13543 [hep-ph] Phys.Rev.D 107 (2023) 1, 015019
[9] Sichun Sun, Xing-Yu Yang, Yun-Long Zhang, “ Pulsar Timing Re-sidual induced by Wideband Ultralight Dark Matter with Spin 0, 1, 2” arXiv: 2112.15593 [astro-ph.CO] Phys.Rev.D 106 (2022) 6, 6
[8] N. Aggarwal, O. D. Aguiar, A. Bauswein, G. Cella, S. Clesse, A. M. Cruise, V. Domcke, D. G. Figueroa, A. Geraci, M. Goryachev, H. Grote, M. Hindmarsh, F. Muia, N. Mukund, D. Ottaway, M. Peloso, F. Quevedo, A. Ricciardone, J. Steinlechner, S. Steinlechner, S. Sun, M. E. Tobar, F. Torrenti, C. Unal, G. White, “ Challenges and Oppor-tunities of Gravitational Wave Searches at MHz to GHz Frequen-cies”. arXiv: 2011.12414 [gr-qc] Living Rev.Rel. 24 (2021) 1, 4(IF: 40.43 (2020))
[7] Rong-Gen Cai, Sichun Sun, Bing Zhang, Yun-Long Zhang, “ Dark Fluxes from Accreting Black Holes and Direct Detections.” arXiv: 2009.02315 [hep-ph] Eur.Phys.J.C 82 (2022) 3, 245
[6] Sichun Sun, Yun-Long Zhang. “Gravitational Waves and Possible Fast Radio Bursts from Axion Clumps ” arXiv: 2003.10527 [hep-th, hep-ph,astro-ph.CO] Phys.Rev.D 104 (2021) 10, 103009
[5] Andrea Caputo, Angelo Esposito, Emma Geoffray, Antonio D. Po-losa, Sichun Sun. “ Dark Matter, Dark Photon and Superfluid He-4 from Effective Field Theory ” arXiv:1911.04511 [hep-ph, hep-th] Phys.Lett.B 802 (2020) 135258
[4]Rong-Gen Cai, Sunly Khimphun, Bum-Hoon Lee, Sichun Sun, Gansukh Tumurtushaa, Yun-Long Zhang “ Emergent Dark Universe and the Swampland Criteria ”
arXiv:1812.11105 [hep-th] Phys.Dark Univ. 26 (2019) 100387.
[3] Rong-Gen Cai, Sichun Sun, Yun-Long Zhang, “Emergent Dark matter in Late Universe on Holographic Screen.” arXiv:1712.09326 [hep-th, hep-ph,astro-ph.CO].JHEP 1810 (2018) 009
[2]Juinn-Wei Chen, Shou-Huang Dai, Debaprasad Maity, Sichun Sun, Yun-Long Zhang, “Towards Searching for Entangled Photons in the CMB Sky”, arXiv:1701.03437 [quant-ph] Phys.Rev. D 99 (2019) no.2, 023507
[1] Hongliang Jiang, Tao Liu, Sichun Sun, Yi Wang, “Inflationary electroweak and GUT phase transition and CMB imprint”, arXiv:1512.07538 [astro-ph.CO] .Phys.Lett. B765 (2017) 339-343
[8]Sichun Sun, Qi-Shu Yan, Xiaoran Zhao, Zhijie Zhao, “Constraining rare B decays by mumu →tc at future lepton colliders ” arXiv: 2302.01143 [hep-ph] Phys.Rev.D 108 (2023) 7, 7
[7] Wolfgang Kilian, Sichun Sun, Qi-Shu Yan, Xiaoran Zhao, Zhijie Zhao, “ Highly Boosted Higgs Bosons and Unitarity in Vector-Boson Fusion at Future Hadron Colliders.” arXiv: 2101.12537 [hep-ph] JHEP 05 (2021) 198
[6] Wolfgang Kilian, Sichun Sun, Qi-Shu Yan, Xiaoran Zhao, Zhijie Zhao, “Multi-Higgs boson production and unitarity in vector-boson fu-sion at future hadron colliders" arXiv:1808.05534 [hep-ph].Phys.Rev.D 101 (2020) 7, 076012
[5] Wolfgang Kilian, Sichun Sun, Qi-Shu Yan, Xiaoran Zhao, Zhijie Zhao, “New physics in Multi-Higgs boson final states”, arXiv:1702.03554 [hep-ph].JHEP 1706 (2017) 145
[4]Cheng-Wei Chiang, Sichun Sun and Fang Ye, “ Towards gauge uni-fied, supersymmetric hidden strong dynamics”, arXiv:1607.05403 [hep-ph] Chin.Phys.C 45 (2021) 1, 013102
[3]Yuta Hamada, Toshifumi Noumi, Sichun Sun and Gary Shiu, “An O(750) GeV Resonance and Inflation”, arXiv: 1512.08984 [hep-ph, astro-ph.CO] Phys.Rev. D93 (2016) no.12, 123514
[2] Ben Allanach, Farinaldo S.Queiroz, Alessandro Strumia, Sichun Sun, “Z’ models for LHCb and muon g-2 anomaly”, arXiv:1511.07447 [hep-ph] Phys.Rev. D93 (2016) no.5, 055045
[1] Sichun Sun, David B. Kaplan and Ann E. Nelson, “Little Flavor: A model of weak-scale flavor physics”, arXiv: 1303.1811. [hep-ph, hep-th] Phys.Rev. D87 (2013) 125036.
The CEPC-SPPC Study Group (For 100TeV e+e-/pp collider in Chi-na), “CEPC-SppC Preliminary Conceptual Design Report: Volume 2 - Physics & Detector ”, arXiv:1811.10545 [hep-ex]
The CEPC-SPPC Study Group (For 100TeV e+e-/pp collider in Chi-na), “CEPC-SppC Preliminary Conceptual Design Report: Physics and Detector ”, 2015, http://cepc.ihep.ac.cn/preCDR/volume.html.
[1] Sichun Sun, Yun-Long Zhang. “Notes on the Quantum Corrections of Swampland and Trans-Planckian Censorship Conjecture ” arXiv: 1912.13509 [hep-th] Phys.Lett.B 816 (2021) 136245
[2] Jiunn-Wei Chen, Sichun Sun, Yun-Long Zhang, “Holographic Bell Inequality”, arXiv:1612.09513 [hep-th] Phys.Lett. B791 (2019) 73-79
[3] Eric Mintun, Joseph Polchinski, Sichun Sun, “The Field Theory of Intersecting D3-branes”, arXiv:1402.6327, [hep-th]. JHEP 1508 (2015) 118
[4] Andreas Karch and Sichun Sun, “Matrix flavor brane and Dual Wil-son line”, arXiv: 1312.2694, Phys.Rev. D89 (2014) 066008.
[5] David B. Kaplan and Sichun Sun, “Spacetime as a topological insu-lator:three generations and flavor from extra dimensions”, arXiv: 1112.0302 [hep-ph, cond-mat.mes-hall,hep-th] , Phys.Rev.Lett. 108 (2012) 181807, Featured in Physics:
APS synopsis: http://physics.aps.org/synopsis-for/10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.181807.
[6] David B. Kaplan and Sichun Sun , “New field theoretic method for the Virial expansion”, arXiv:1105.0028 [cond-mat.stat-mech] Phys.Rev.Lett.107:030601,2011, editor’s suggestion.
计划招收有志于从事高能物理研究的硕士生,博士生,以及高年级本科生。本组与中科院理论物理所,高能物理所,国内外高校保持联系,可推荐深造。 另有博士后名额欢迎咨询。